Sunday, October 12, 2008

35 years old and the adventures of humpback whales in the high desert

Shake's is showing the famous two headed dog style of his ancestral kung fu

Me. Just explaining to Midget that what we ate was not Mexican food it was Mexican't.

Pretty sure I will never try Fudge Cheese...anyone???
Shakes explaining to me that he needs a bigger fire, that he was perfectly happy at 90 degrees and sub 40 degree temperatures are for Michigan people stuck in Mi.

So we went camping and found out how well we acclimated to AZ. It was cold. The wind was gusting upwards of 30 mph and it was still kick ass. We shopped ourselves a real camp stove and had a fantastic meal of red beans and rice. I stupidly forgot beer. FAIL.
So we 21st century camped after that and fired up a movie on the Mac. We watched a movie while my tent heater fired up. ( take hot rocks from fire pit and place in metal bucket in center of tent. )
After the movie we stuck our heads turtle style out of the front door and watched the moon race across the sky. Pretty awesome.
At 4 am we were awakened by the sound of the great humpback high desert whale. This is commonly confused with the great Elk. All one really has to do is pay attention. The trumpeting is most decidedly humpback whale and not the mating call of the great Elk. I really should let those scientist types know how wrong they are...
By the way, coolest sound ever to wake to.

Enjoy the desert...

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