Sunday, October 26, 2008

all hallows eve : the early report

If you're starting out the night like this you are sure to have some ....

So, logically adding alcohol into the mix is the next step...

If your former roommate shows up looking worse for the wear....

and pregnant people are at a bar....
then dueling geisha gals...
will have to rumble with old hags.
I am sooooo glad I have never been this guy at a party!

Midget and 'ren having fun
V is for...
KT explaining to a pregnant nun that smoking is bad for babies...uh?
So thirty seconds later this dude is outta there...puking is so amateur
MAN I am so over chicked
Four boobs are better than....
Got Insurance????
What really happens at Boy Scout camp
Designated driver....
Little School girl runs amuck
Like My Happy Pants????
hello atomic wedgie!!!
it was all this gals fault!

so it all ended up ok...i think....

And so this is how I spent my Saturday night. $35 bucks and all I could drink...So the way I feel I MUST be up a good $100 on the house.
'ren would like everyone to know that she recommends a Designated Driver. She spent four days in jury duty where a poor soul got his arse handed to him because he had two beers. Of course he got rear ended by a 'body who had 30. Life can really FUBAR you if you end up in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Off to Moab....

and Fruita...

and Grand Junction...

HEHE I suck!

Monday, October 20, 2008

hello face meet mr rock....

yea it sorta hurt

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Time Machine

i have always wanted a time machine.
think of all the stuff you'd change,
me ...well i have a few mistakes to rid my life of.
but who knows maybe they happened to get me here, and right now here ain't so bad.

point is
today i am heading to tucson to work and ride.
i used to live there back a decade or so ago.
the experience was not too great as a whole but really awesome in others.
just like life.

so i got my facebook crack on the last week and found some more of my past.
pretty funny seeing all the people you went to high school with.
even more entertaining to see them now.
i really hope i was not too much of a self absorbed prick to some of them.
but i guess that is what high school is about.
teenage years seemed to be so drama and all about you.

well i get to hopefully meet up with amy. 
i met amy back in junior year.
me and a few friends all got together and dated a group of girls from East.
it was pretty funny.
we would all play our soccer game or finish practice
and head over to one of the groups house to watch 90210.
that was such a cool group of people
no not brenda and luke---my friends.

i disappeared from that group a bit after and life just sped up.
funny to me,
i seem to fall off groups and disappear often

I am trying now to only let that happen on group rides

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I suck...

 I got two hours in on the bike today, dirt, it was my commute to work. One hour each way, with less than 1.5 miles on pavement, I told you I suck. More tomorrow...

Oh yea.

For "work" this weekend I lined up a shuttle on Mt. Lemmon and a ride on the 50 year trail.

Oh one other thing.

For Friday we are riding out at Fountain Hills for R&R. So basically I HAVE to ride for "work". Three days in a row.

I suck.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

35 years old and the adventures of humpback whales in the high desert

Shake's is showing the famous two headed dog style of his ancestral kung fu

Me. Just explaining to Midget that what we ate was not Mexican food it was Mexican't.

Pretty sure I will never try Fudge Cheese...anyone???
Shakes explaining to me that he needs a bigger fire, that he was perfectly happy at 90 degrees and sub 40 degree temperatures are for Michigan people stuck in Mi.

So we went camping and found out how well we acclimated to AZ. It was cold. The wind was gusting upwards of 30 mph and it was still kick ass. We shopped ourselves a real camp stove and had a fantastic meal of red beans and rice. I stupidly forgot beer. FAIL.
So we 21st century camped after that and fired up a movie on the Mac. We watched a movie while my tent heater fired up. ( take hot rocks from fire pit and place in metal bucket in center of tent. )
After the movie we stuck our heads turtle style out of the front door and watched the moon race across the sky. Pretty awesome.
At 4 am we were awakened by the sound of the great humpback high desert whale. This is commonly confused with the great Elk. All one really has to do is pay attention. The trumpeting is most decidedly humpback whale and not the mating call of the great Elk. I really should let those scientist types know how wrong they are...
By the way, coolest sound ever to wake to.

Enjoy the desert...

Sunday, October 5, 2008

faster than you

start training real hard.
these girls come from farmer and farmers wife.
enough said.