Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A few more days in Colorado

Here is me in all my splendor. I had difficulty breathing at the ride's start. Early morning, very poor coffee, 9,500+ ft. elevation at the start and that is the short list of excuses.
I really really really like riding in Colorado.
Have we mentioned this is at 10,000 feet?
Crested Butte was astonishing in its splendor. Not to mention the fortune I threw down on sushi. Slutty slutty slutty Goose martinis and sushi made for a difficult ride as well.
So this is all thats left as I finally blew up. Pretty interesting sunset. I also had a very interesting experience. I was fortunate to have the chance to set up a world champion on one of our mountain bikes. She was extremely patient and very pleasant. To top it off, she brought my bike back clean. To me that is the sign of a champion. She had enough respect in my work to bring me back a clean bike. It was nice to hear she enjoyed the ride as well.
Off to Texas. 

Monday, June 23, 2008

so the following should hurt...

time to ride...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Found a Fixer Upper

Found this little love nest in the woods near Monarch

I had to run for some reason this night. I have not run in long time. Last time I did was with Mike and I believe it was snow covered paths in Ada. Needless to say I was much happier running at 11,ooo feet and offroad to boot. It was very quiet and I loved the isolation, especially after being a wrench for a whole week for 4000 people. I had fun, but even the midget will tell you thats long enough for me to have to talk. So I guess I found two fixer uppers ! One ramshackle house and a good lung destroyer of a run.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

time for the little blessings

Today we set up in Telluride.
I had a pretty great view from my office all day long including this huge waterfall. 

The views are just astonishing. The drive was just one after another after another.
The only downer for me was not having the midget along. I cannot wait until we get our BMW touring motorcycle so I can take her on all of the best routes in Colorado. We plan on getting this done ASAP. I hope we can swing it this fall so we can see all the aspens turn gold along the way.

Yea I know I am way over chicked.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Just get off your bike now and quit....

So i get word from the man who grows the best corn on the planet that his beautiful wife killed it at the Big M F'er.

 Seriously, she grows kids and cuts hair full time. Apparently she has ridden a bike or two in her day as well. Four kids, full time job, and a podium in her first 100 miler.

 I just sold all my bikes....

 Oh yea,  Farmer ripped a 40x16 on a 29 er for a Third place finish in SS. Uh my knees just split in half.

 Some crazy dude Dan the Man apparently was sitting third for the first 50.....FIXED. 

And my man BIG RALPH finished in his second attempt at 100 as well as Shawn of the Dead...who really almost died in his first attempt last year. Way to go guys. I really wish I was there to join in the fun. My man Mike had so much fun I think he may quit the 100 miler thing...but I think he just had sour grapes and will be back to kill me in one later. 

Congrats to Sherri. I am so very happy for you.

Friday, June 13, 2008

New Mexico the Good, Bad, and Ugly...

I love this ride. Yea I get paid to like it but F-N-A it is a great rig.
This is a "little" climb I did in Santa Fe. Topped out at 8600 or so. Those little specs are Sante Fe and the downtown area.
Backside to above picture. Think there are rides to be had???
This little lake was in the middle of the desert. Super high elevation lake in the high desert ( it gets depressing later).

That sexy hunk of man love is Josh. He is a sight indeed...
Have you had enough of Josh???
Apparently when you go to a nice little lake high in the desert you must consume shit beer and throw it off the side of the road.
Pretty damn sure if you drank a good beer you'd have enough damn sense to put the bottle in a better far up the asses of the shit beer drinkers.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

What I am missing the most....

My better half, the midget. I can not stand it any more, she is too cute to be away from this long.

The Founders/ Farmers garage nights. Too little beer, too little time. 

The Lumberjack 100, the Big M'Fer. Hell of a race I am missing, pretty pissed about it too.

Good Food. New Mexico has been shit ass eating. Want to argue about it?????? Food poisoning. Never ever had it until I came to this place. Still want to argue??? I am a freaking vegetarian, how the hell does a veg get food poisoning??? I went to Thailand and lived for a few months, never got it there. That is a third world country for chrissakes. New Mexico can piss off.

 PLUS NEW MEXICO HAS PISS POOR DRIVERS. The worst I have ever run across. Did I mention I drive everywhere for a living! I have seen 6 accidents in a week. Do the math.

Peace out and I cannot wait to see Colorado again.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Wet Week

so far i think things are looking ok for my first down time. which means i can sneak some riding in.
so i am starting to think i may not ride this day...
now i am wondering if midget should send me the snowboard...
todays demo is going to be touch and go.
all in all i had a tough time in Utah. it rained and or snowed most every day. I snuck in two very short rides. Snowbird had a few huge dumps, one day they had 17 inches of fresh. i made a mental note to include the snowboard on the next trip. i am also upset that i forgot my skate board. i could hit a ton of skateparks. so far every town has had the kind of skatepark michigan kids only dream of. why or why does the midwest have to be so lame like that???