Here is me in all my splendor. I had difficulty breathing at the ride's start. Early morning, very poor coffee, 9,500+ ft. elevation at the start and that is the short list of excuses.
I really really really like riding in Colorado.
Have we mentioned this is at 10,000 feet?
Crested Butte was astonishing in its splendor. Not to mention the fortune I threw down on sushi. Slutty slutty slutty Goose martinis and sushi made for a difficult ride as well.
So this is all thats left as I finally blew up. Pretty interesting sunset. I also had a very interesting experience. I was fortunate to have the chance to set up a world champion on one of our mountain bikes. She was extremely patient and very pleasant. To top it off, she brought my bike back clean. To me that is the sign of a champion. She had enough respect in my work to bring me back a clean bike. It was nice to hear she enjoyed the ride as well.
Off to Texas.