Thursday, May 8, 2008

Fort Collins or the pain cave...

so today i was invited to join the lunch ride in fort collins. apparently, this ride attracts quite a few of the hardcore roadies and several past champions. 
so i took out the BH G4 and suited up.  up rolls super dork (me) in full BH gear on a $7K bike and try to hang with the locals.

We rolled out at a pace that reminded me of summer time FOUNDERS team rides...when they are going fast. i knew i was headed down a long and dark tunnel of pain right from the get go. the group was at about 30 and we just kept rollin people up to the front for their turn at the pain wheel.

where was i? 
at the back sucking wheels,wind, whatever to keep me alive. i felt like the weezer kid in class. i was hurting and hurting bad. then they decided to pick up the pace. yup that was just the first act.

we headed up hill, we headed into the wind. not too soon after we became me. there i was out in the middle of no where in the pain cave and wondering how i got so alone so fast. i said screw it and jumped back into the hole of doom and cranked it up a notch. i soon found a wheel to follow and we worked together for a bit trying to catch back on. it was not to be. the red light god was against us and then mother nature decided to pile on.

colorado hail. wind. and me in bibs and jersey, lost and in the center of a painful universe. i loved it. i pushed so hard and pulled the other guy as hard as i ever have in my life. I was hurting and showing it but the bike just rode so well i felt compelled to grind it.

pain hurts.
that's why god made beer.

off to Boulder for a few.
enjoy your ride.

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